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Housing and Inflation: Insights from the Bank of Canada

Giancarlo Randazzo

Having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with designations in Applied and Practical Ethics with an emphasis on business transactions, Giancarlo�...

Having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with designations in Applied and Practical Ethics with an emphasis on business transactions, Giancarlo�...

Nov 13 4 minutes read

In recent deliberations, the Bank of Canada (BoC) unveiled a nuanced perspective on the economy, hinting at the possibility of another rate hike, despite evident signs of a slowdown. This article dissects the multifaceted impact of housing on the disinflation process, shedding light on key factors influencing the BoC's stance.

Economic Landscape and Shelter Price Dynamics

As of last month, the economy exhibited palpable deceleration, with Statistics Canada's Consumer Price Index registering a decline from 4% to 3.8%. Amidst this economic backdrop, housing emerged as a pivotal element complicating the trajectory of progress. Shelter price inflation, hovering around 6%, became a focal point, propelled by rising mortgage interest costs stemming from policy interest rate hikes.

Structural Shortages and Population Surge

Beyond the immediate factors, the housing market grappled with intricate challenges. While higher interest rates traditionally exert downward pressure on housing-related costs, the persistent structural shortage of housing supply thwarted this mechanism. The rapid surge in Canada's population further exacerbated the existing imbalance between demand and supply for housing.

Governing Council's Divergence on Rates

The BoC's Governing Council found itself at a crossroads during the October rate decision. While the decision to maintain the benchmark rate at 5% was unanimous, a schism within the Council revealed varying perspectives. Some members advocated for an imminent rate increase to realign inflation with the 2% target, while others believed that maintaining the current rate for an extended period would suffice.

The Ongoing Debate: Rate Hike vs. Patience

Contrary to prevalent beliefs, the possibility of another rate hike remains a live option. The Council, cognizant of slower-than-expected progress towards price stability and heightened inflationary risks, expressed a collective preparedness to raise the policy rate further if deemed necessary.

Surveying the Future: Anticipated Rate Cuts

Despite the specter of rate hikes, insights from the BoC's third-quarter Market Participants Survey reveal an alternative perspective. Approximately 30 financial market participants foresee rate cuts on the horizon, with expectations leaning towards a cut as early as April 2024. Forecasts indicate a full basis point cut in 2024, bringing the overnight target rate down to 4%, with further reductions to 3% by 2025.

In navigating the intricate interplay between housing and inflation, the BoC confronts a delicate balancing act. This article delves into the nuances of the economic landscape, dissecting the factors that elevate housing as a pivotal determinant in the path toward disinflation. As the Council grapples with divergent views on rate adjustments, the future economic trajectory remains uncertain, with both rate hikes and cuts looming on the horizon.

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